Michael Adams
Provost Professor, English
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
- adamsmp@iu.edu
Research Interests
regional English variation; slang; lexicography; popular genres of literature
Provost Professor, English
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
regional English variation; slang; lexicography; popular genres of literature
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
syntax-semantics interface; language change; romance linguistics; experimental pragmatics language contact
Distinguished Professor, Central Eurasian Studies
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
history and linguistics of ancient and medieval central eurasia and east asia, scythian, old turkic, koguryo, old tibetan, aramaic, and other languages, linguistics of chinese from old chinese to mandarin, including morphophonology, ‘classifiers’, and syntax, the scythians and the classical age, modernism and democracy
Professor, Speech, Hearing and Language Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
perception and production of foreign-accented speech; speech intelligibility; perceptual learning; hearing loss and cochlear implants
Professor, Second Language Studies
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Research Interests
psycholinguistics; phonology; native and non-native speech processing; word recognition; first and second language acquisition of phonology; foreign accent
Professor, Second Language Studies
Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
syntax-semantics interface; second-language acquisition research; syntactic and semantic theory
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
social and linguistic factors in language variation; quantitative sociolinguistics; second language phonology; laboratory phonology; language contact
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, Second Language Studies
Research Interests
cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics; politeness theory; discourse analysis; linguistics variation
Associate Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
syntax; Slavic linguistics
Professor, Germanic Studies
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
phonology; morphology; historical linguistics; Germanic linguistics
Professor, Library and Information Science
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
discourse analysis; computer-mediated communication; language and gender; functional grammar; historical linguistics; Dravidian languages
Assistant Professor, French Sociolinguistics
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
language variation and change, with a greater focus on the phonetics and phonology of Laurentian French (also called Canadian French, Quebec French, or Québécois)
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Research Interests
psycholinguistics; Chinese linguistics; sentence processing; lexical access
Assistant Professor, Speech, Hearing and Language Science
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
acoustical modelling; acoustical effects of the sub-glottal resonators; physiological imaging; ultrasound investigations of speech production and acoustics
Professor, Mathematics
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
applied logic; mathematics of language
Clinical Professor, African Studies Program
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Linguistics
Director, National African Languages Resource Center
Research Interests
second language acquisition; Kiswahili pragmatics; web-based material development; African language programming and development; study abroad
Associate Professor, Central Eurasian Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
phonology (with an emphasis on prosody); second language acquisition; prosody-syntax interface; phonology-morphology interface; syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface
Associate Professor, Informatics
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
computational linguistics; sociolinguistics and language acquisition; second language acquisition; South Asian languages
Chancellor's Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Chancellor's Professor, Cognitive Science Program
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
psycholinguistics; speech perception; word recognition; lexical access; hearing impairment
Associate Professor, Informatics
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computational Linguistics
Research Interests
statistical and machine learning approaches to large text corpora; sociology of literature; publishing history; comparative media studies; library digitization; text mining
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
language contact (Louisiana French, Welsh, Breton); lexicography; pidgins and creoles; endangered languages
Associate Professor, Germanic Studies
Director of Graduate Studies, Germanic Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
Morphology and syntax of German; Language variation and change; Medieval Germanic languages and philology
Senior Lecturer, Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Linguistics
Professor, Second Language Studies
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, Germanic Studies
Research Interests
second language acquisition; languages of Europe; syntactic theory
Assistant Professor, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Core Faculty, Program for Neuroscience
Affiliated Faculty, Cognitive Science Program
Director, Neural Research Lab
Co-Founder, FOQUSAphasia
Research Interests
spoken discourse in aphasia, especially its clinical utility, and the scientific rigor with which we use it; co-founder of FOQUSAphasia (www.foqusaphasia.com) gesture and its relationship with language and communication in persons with brain injury, specifically aphasia and moderate and severe traumatic brain injury neuroimaging (MRI) and neuropsychological characterization of language and cognition in typical aging and after brain injury (e.g. stroke, traumatic brain injury), with a specialty in aphasia
Associate Professor, Second Language Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
first and second language acquisition; L2 syntax and lexical semantics; L2 attrition; world englishes
Adjunct Associate Professor
Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
first and second language acquisition; heritage language; language processing; Japanese linguistics