Kelly Berkson
Associate Professor, Linguistics
- kberkson@iu.edu
Research Interests
acoustic phonetics; phonology; phonetics-phonology interface; language endangerment and revitalization; indigenous languages of North America; Indic languages
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
acoustic phonetics; phonology; phonetics-phonology interface; language endangerment and revitalization; indigenous languages of North America; Indic languages
Senior Lecturer, Linguistics
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Research Interests
scholarship of teaching and learning; psycholinguistics; language and cognition, syntax-semantics interface
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
computational linguistics; speech and language technologies; natural language processing (NLP); natural language resources
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
phonetics and laboratory phonology; L2 acquisition; computational and corpus linguistics; theoretical phonology
Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
documentary linguistics; morphosyntax; Trans-Himalayan languages; language archiving; corpus linguistics for low-resourced languages
Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Research Interests
phonology; Semitic linguistics; African-American English; general linguistics
Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Adjunct Professor, Second Language Studies
Research Interests
phonetics; phonology; experimental approaches to language description and language acquisition
Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
Low-resource natural language processing, computational language resources, linguistic annotation, language documentation
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Director of Graduate Studies
Research Interests
semantics; syntax-semantics interface; cross-linguistic variation; tense/aspect/modality; complement clauses; gradability and comparison; Chinese linguistics
Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
syntax; morphosyntax; syntax-semantics interface; fieldwork; indigenous languages of North America
Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
Adjunct Professor, Germanic Studies
Affiliate and Departmental Liaison, Cognitive Science Program
Chair, Linguistics
Research Interests
computational linguistics; computational corpus linguistics; machine learning techniques in computational linguistics; natural language processing
Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
sociolinguistics; phonetics; phonology; North American English; language variation and change
Distinguished Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, African American and African Diaspora Studies
Adjunct Professor, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Affiliate Professor, African Studies Program
Affiliate Professor, Hutton Honors College
Affiliate Professor, Islamic Studies Program
Research Interests
discourse-pragmatics; conversational phonetics, Firthian prosodic phonology; African linguistics (especially, endangered languages), multilingualism and language contact
Assistant professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
speech information processing, acoustic phonetics, computer aided language learning, language acquisition
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
computational linguistics; marginalized languages; morphosyntax; machine translation; dependency parsing
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
diachronic and synchronic generative syntax; French linguistics; historical linguistics