Awarded Degrees

Awarded degrees

The Department of Linguistics has been the doctoral home to several hundred successful scholars who have had major impacts on the discipline of linguistics and related fields in acquisition and computation. Below is a partial roll of these accomplished individuals. 

Ph.D. recipients


  • Bhokari, Hassan A. (11/12/2020)
    A Comprehensive Analysis of Coda Clusters in Hijazi Arabic: An Optimality-Theoretic Perspective
  • Filimonova, Valentyna (8/20/2020)
    The social meaning of variable polite leísmo in Mexico City
  • Hwang, Young (4/2020)
    Generational tone change in North Kyungsang Korean with a focus on English loanwords
  • Kasper-Cushman, Kelly (7/24/2020)
    Mapping the functional distribution of human impersonal uses of on, ça, and ils in French
  • Nagle, Traci (9/2020)
    Perception, Production, and the Implementation of Phonological Opacity in the Bangla Vowel Chain Shift
  • Patterson, Yina (3/2020)
    A Study of Nominal-Clausal Relations in Chinese
  • Zhang, Yiwen (11/20/2020)
    Subjectivity and Nominal Property Concepts in Mandarin Chinese


  • Choi, Jun-Eun (8/2019)
    The Syntax-Pragmatics Interface in L2 Acquisition of Korean Case, Topic, and Focus Particles
  • Kojima, Chisato (3/29/2019)
    Lexical Encoding of Length Contrasts in Learners of Japanese as a Second Language
  • Koylu, Yilmaz (9/2019)
    Representation and Acquisition of Kind Reference in L2 English
  • Lin, Yu-Jung (6/2019)
    Where did the Glide Glide into? Perceiving Mandarin Syllable Structure
  • Mahajna, Dua'a Abu Elhija (3/2019)
    A Study of Loanwords and Code Switching in Spoken and Online Written Arabic by Palestinian Israelis
  • Nematollahi, Narges (8/01/2019)
    The Iranian Epistolary Tradition: Origins and Developments (6th Century BCE to 7th Century CE)
  • Okelo, Beatrice Ng'uono (12/2019)
    Aspects of Luo Anthroponymy: Morphophonological and Ethnopragmatic Perspectives
  • Tezil, David (5/22/2019)
    A Variationist Study of the Haitian Postposed Determiner LA in Non-nasal Contexts
  • Weirich, Phillip (9/20/2019)
    Explorations of Dialect Perception in Indiana
  • Whitcombe, Melissa (12/2019)
    An Optimality Theoretical Approach to Iotation in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian


  • Alahmari, Musa (5/2018)
    An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis of some Aspects of the Phonology and Morphology in a Southwestern Saudi Arabian Arabic Dialect
  • Alashmari, Wafi (4/2018)
    The Development of and Accommodation in Gulf Pidgin Arabic: Verbal and Pronominal Form Selection
  • Alhuwaykim, Mamdouh Zaal M. (11/2018)
    Aspects of the Phonology of a Northwestern Saudi Arabian Dialect: an Optimality Theoretic Analysis
  • Anderson, Jonathan (6/2018)
    Aspects of the Phonetics and Phonology of Speech Rhythm in Akan (Asante-Twi)
  • Bongiovanni, Silvina (5/ 2018)
    Production of Anticipatory Vowel Nasalization and Word-final Nasal Consonants in Two Dialects of Spanish
  • Dakota, Daniel (10/23/2018)
    Using Distributional Word Representation for the Statistical Constituency Parsing of German
  • Diakite ,Boubacar (8/2018)
    Some Aspects of Nko Tonal Phonology
  • Ehineni, Taiwo (8/2018)
    A Morphophonological, Morphosyntactic and Ethnopragmatic Study of Yoruba Personal Names
  • Leongue, Vitor (11/16/2018)
    Structural Evolution of the Tibetan Syllable: a Cross-Dialectal Study
  • Meyer, Anthony (11/29/2018)
    A Multilinear Approach to the Unsupervised Learning of Morphology
  • Smiley, Charese (11/09/2018)
    Native Language Identification Using Phonetic Algorithms
  • Todt-Regier, Kirsten (6/2018)
    Duration Modulation in English and Spanish Vowels: Dynamic Time Warping as a Tool for Acoustic Phonetics


  • Al-Raba'a, Basem (6/2017)
    Reflexivity and Reciprocity in Arabic
  • Diouf, Fabienne (11/2017)
    Urban Wolof Loanword Phonology
  • Montaño, Francisco (12/2017)
    An Optimality-Theoretic Split-Margin Analysis of the Evolution of Consonant Clusters in Historical French Phonology
  • Sowers-Wills, Sara (6/2017)
    Schema Theory as Support for Templatic Analysis in a Dynamic Systems Theory Approach to Early Phonological Development


  • Herring, Joshua (12/2016)
    Grammar Construction in the Minimalist Program
  • Kaden, Christiane (3/2016)
    Lengthenings and Shortenings in Germanic
  • Washington, Jonathan (7/2016)
    An Investigation of Vowel Anteriority in Three Turkic Languages Using Ultrasound Tongue Imaging


  • Albin, Aaron (5/2015)
    Typologizing Native Language Influence on Intonation in a Second Language: There Transfer Phenomena in Japanese EFL
  • Ewusi, Kelly Trennepohl  (5/2015)
    Communicational Strategies in Ghanaian Pidgin English: Turn-taking, Overlap, and Repair
  • Kostakis, Andrew (10/2015)
    Height, Frontness and the Special Status of /x/, /r/ and /I/ in Germanic Language History
  • Rice, Heather (12/2015)
    Perceptual Acquisition of Secondary Palatalization in L2: Strengthening the Bonds between Identification and Discrimination with Multi-sequence Category Mapping
  • Scrivner, Olga (6/2015)
    Probabilistic Approach in Historical Linguistics: Word Order Change in Infinitival Clauses, form Latin to Old French
  • Yang, Chung-Lin (3/2015)
    Phonological Variation and L2 Word Learning: the Role of Orthography in Word Recognition and Production
  • Zanon, Kesnia(7/2015)
    On Hybrid Coordination and Quantifier Raising in Russian


  • Dow, Michael (10/2014)
    Contrast and Markedness Among Nasal(ized) Vowels: A Phonetic-Phonological Study of French and Vimeu Picard
  • Ebarb, Kristopher (9/2014)
    Tone and Variation in Idakho and Other Luhya Varieties
  • Israel, Ross (12/2014)
    Building a Korean Particle Error Detection System from the Ground Up
  • Mazrui, Abdulwahid (6/2014)
    The Challenges of Language Planning and Language Policy in Tanzania: Investigating Language Attitudes and Language Shifts in Zanzibar
  • Ragheb, Marwa (8/2014)
    Building a Syntactically-Annotated Corpus of Learner English
  • Rankinen, Wil (8/2014)
    Exogenous Influences on the Vowel System of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
  • Siegel, Jason (6/2014)
    Nou oblije pale mo-to: Code-Switching Between Haitian and Guianese French Creoles and their Lexifier in French Guiana
  • Tamati, Terrin (7/2014)
    Individual and Group Differences in the Perception of Regional Dialect Variation in a Second Language


  • Gradoville, Michael (8/14/2013)
    A Comparative Usage-Based Approach to the Reduction of the Spanish and Portuguese Preposition para
  • Casserly, Elizabeth D. (6/24/2013)
    Effects of Real-Time Cochlear Implant Simulation on Speech Perception and Production
  • Hantgan, Abbie (6/5/2013)
    Aspects of Bangime Phonology and Morphology
  • Hsu, Yu-Yin (4/5/2013)
    The Interaction of Information Structure and Syntactic Representation in Chinese
  • Shimunek, Andrew (2/19/2013)
    The Serbi-Mongolic Language Family: Old Chinese, Middle Chinese, Old Mandarin, and Old Tibetan Records on the Hsien-pei (Xianbei) Languages and their Relationship to Mongolic, with Notes on Chinese Phonology
  • Tu, Jung-yueh (1/10/2013)
    Word Prosody in Loanword Phonology: Focus on Japanese Borrowings into Taiwanese Southern Min


  • Chang, Yufen (8/31/2012)
    First Language Attrition: An Investigation of Taiwanese Tones and Tone Sandhi
  • Hao, Yen-Chen (8/10/2012)
    The effect of L2 experience on second language acquisition of Mandarin consonants, vowels, and tones
  • Yoon, Junghyoe (7/31/2012)
    Case Drop in Korean—Its Empirical and Theoretical Investigation
  • Kim, Ock Hwan (6/30/2012)
    The Syntax of Inaudible Noun Phrases in Korean
  • Miller, Nikole D. (5/7/2012)
    An Assessment of Language Attitudes towards African American Vernacular English
  • Park, Indrek (5/4/2012)
    A Grammar of Hidatsa
  • Alqassas, Ahmad (4/30/2012)
    The Morpho-syntax and Pragmatics of Levantine Arabic Negation: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis
  • Rodrigues, Paul (2/29/2012)
    Processing Highly Variant Language Using Incremental Model Selection
  • Kivik, Piibi-Kai (2/29/2012)
    Conversation-for-learning in Estonian Coffee-hour: An Interactional Linguistic Perspective
  • Lamanna, Scott (1/31/2012)
    Colombian Spanish in North Carolina: The Role of Language and Dialect Contact in the Formation of a New Variety of U.S. Spanish


  • Kim, Tae Sik (11/11/2011)
    Small Projections and Grammaticalization in Korean
  • Yoshida, Kenji (9/30/2011)
    Phonetics and Phonology of Shiki-accent Systems in Mid-Western Japanese Dialect
  • Anderson, Vicki (7/31/2011)
    Bidialectalism in Intense Language Variety Contact: An "Unexpected" Development in the Death of Pennsylvania Dutchified English


  • Das, Anupam (12/31/2010)
    Linguistic Politeness and Interpersonal Tiesa among Bengalis on the Social Network Site Orkut: The Bulge Theory Revisited
  • Panteleyeva, Natalya (12/31/2010)
    Statistical Methods of Latent Structure Discovery in Child-Directed Speech
  • Green, Christopher (11/30/2010)
    Prosodic Phonology in Bamana (Bambara): Syllable complexity, metrical structure, and tone
  • Grimes, Steven (10/31/2010)
    Quantitative Studies in Hungarian Phonotactics and Syllable Structure
  • Sanders, Nathan (10/31/2010)
    A Statistical Measure for Syntactic Dialectometry
  • Iskrova, Iskra (9/30/2010)
    Prosody and intonation in two French-based Creoles: Hairian Creole and Guadeloupean Creole
  • Emonds, Amanda (7/31/2010)
    On the Representation of Conventional Expression in L1-English L2- French Acquisition
  • Mohamed, Emad (7/31/2010)
    Orthographic Enrichment for Arabic Grammatical Analysis
  • Henriksen, Nicholas (5/30/2010)
    Question Intonation in Manchego Peninsular Spanish
  • Silbert, Noah (5/7/2010)
    Integration of Phonological Information in Obstruent Consonant Identification
  • Rojas, David (5/7/2010)
    Features and Methods for Automatic Dialect Identification
  • Kim, Jungsun (2/28/2010)
    The Influence of Dialect Exposure to Phonological Categories in Perceptual and Production Acquisition


  • Mendez Vallejo, Dunia Catalina (9/7/2009)
    Focalizing ser ('to be') in Columbian Spanish
  • Kapatsinski, Vsevolod (5/31/2009)
    The Architecture of Grammar in Artificial Grammar Learning: Formal biases in the acquisition of morphophonology and the nature of the learning task
  • Jose, Brian (4/30/2009)
    Testing the Apparent-Time Construct in a Young Speech Community: Steel City Speech in and around Gary, Indiana on its 100th Birthday
  • Lee, Dongmyung (1/30/2009)
    Loanword Tonology of South Kyungsang Korean
  • Thompson, Mikael (1/30/2009)
    A Study of the Analogical Extension of the Mongolian Hidden-n Declension in Colloquial Standard Khalkha


  • Park, Hanyong (9/30/2008)
    Phonological information and linguistic experience in foreign accent detection
  • Ikuta, Toshikazu (8/8/2008)
    fMRI study of Grammar, Parkinson's Disease and Dopaminergic Medication
  • Oglesbee, Eric (7/31/2008)
    Multidimensional Stop Categorization in English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Canadian French
  • Farris-Trimble, Ashley (7/31/2008)
    Cumulative Faithfulness Effects in Phonology
  • Wilkerson, Gladys Rose (5/31/2008)
    Talkin' Country: African-American English of Black Women in the Mississippi Delta
  • Purvis, Tristan Michael (4/30/2008)
    A Linguistic and Discursive Analysis of Register Variation in Dagbani


  • Shrager, Miriam (9/30/2007)
    The Accentual Systems of Masculine Nouns in the Krivici Dialects
  • VanDam, Mark (7/31/2007)
    Plasticity of Phonological Categories
  • Riordan, Brian (2/26/2007)
    Comparing Semantic Space Models Using Child-directed Speech


  • Burleson, Deborah (12/13/2006)
    Training Segmental Production for Second Language Intelligibility
  • Kim, Maria (11/17/2006)
    Discourse variation in American magazine advertisements
  • Swanson, Kimberly (9/4/2006)
    Acquisition versus suppression of phonological processes in the second language acquisition of French and English
  • Nagao, Kyoko (8/15/2006)
    Cross Language Study of Age Perception
  • Ofori, Seth (7/17/2006)
    Topics in Akan Grammar
  • Roehrs, Dorian (2/3/2006)
    The Morpho-Syntax of the Germanic Noun Phrase: Determiners Move Into the Determiner Phrase
  • Dillon, Caitlin Marie (1/27/2006)
    Phonological Processing Skills and the Development of Reading in Deaf Children Who Use Cochlear Implants


  • Pennington, Mark (12/17/2005)
    The Phonetics and Phonology of Glottal Manner Features


  • Clopper, Cynthia G. (8/31/2004)
    Linguistic Experience and the Perceptual Classification of Dialect Variation
  • El-Ghamry, Khaled (5/8/2004)
    A Generalized Cue-Based Approach to the Automatic Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames
  • Peterson, Elizabeth (4/30/2004)
    Socially-Appropriate Language Variation: A Study of Requests in Finnish


  • McGarrity, Laura (12/20/2003)
    Constraints on Patterns of Primary and Secondary Stress
  • Park, Kwang Chul (12/15/2003)
    Initial Segmental & Phrasal Tones in the Korean Dialects
  • Lim, Byung-Jin (7/1/2003)
    Perception, Production, and Orthography of Syllabification in Korean and English
  • Deguch, Masanori (7/1/2003)
    Quantifier Scope: Its Relation to Prosody and Information Structures


  • Brown, Karen Leigh (12/21/2002)
    Epistemic Possibilities and the Sources of Belief
  • Glenn, Robert (12/21/2002)
    Japanese Lexically Specified Accent: A Word Level Prominence System with Both Pitch and Loudness as Components
  • Kershner, Tiffany L. (8/31/2002)
    The Verb in Chisukwa: Aspect, Tense, and Time
  • Bagwasi, Mompoloki M. (6/30/2002)
    A Historical Development of a Botswana Variety of English
  • Blanco, Bernardo G. (6/30/2002)
    The Role of Linguistic Input in Language Acquisition: A Listening Comprehension-Based Study Considering the Input Limitations of the E.F.L. Environment
  • Baertsch, Karen S. (6/30/2002)
    An Optimality Theoretic Approach to Syllable Structure: The Split Margin Hierarchy


  • Wee, Hae-Kyung S. (9/30/2001)
    Topic and Focus: Sentential Logic, Discourse and Pragmatics
  • Lee, Minkyung Y. (8/31/2001)
    Optionality and Variation in Optimality Theory: Focus on Korean Phonology
  • Kitahara, Mafuyu (7/31/2001)
    Category Structure and Function of Pitch Accent in Tokyo Japanese
  • Erickson, John A. (4/30/2001)
    Language Contact and Morphosyntactic Change: Shift of Case- Marker Functions in Turkic


  • Kim, Jong-Kyoo (9/30/2000)
    Quantity-Sensitivity and Feature-Sensitivity of Vowels: A Constraint- Based Approach to Korean Vowel Phonology
  • Yankey, Emmanuel K. (7/31/2000)
    Nzema Conversational Structure: A Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Investigation
  • Oda, Hiromi (6/30/2000)
    Embodied Semantic Mechanism for Mimetic Words in Japanese
  • Yadroff, Michael G. (5/6/2000)
    Formal Properties of Functional Categories: The Minimalist Syntax of the Russian Nominal and Prepositional Expressions
  • Kim, Ae-Ryung (3/31/2000)
    A Derivational Quantification of "WH-Phrases"
  • Elliott, Nancy C. (1/31/2000)
    A Sociolinguistic Study of Rhoticity in American Film Speech From the 1930's to the 1970's


  • Chung, Chin Wan (12/19/1999)
    Reduplication in Korean
  • Jensen, Helen B. (8/31/1999)
    Reduced Relative Clauses in 18th Century Diaries and Letters: A Sociohistorical Perspective
  • Tiede, Hans-Joerg (7/31/1999)
    Deductive Systems and Grammars: Proofs as Grammatical Structures
  • Zawaydeh, Bushra A. (5/8/1999)
    The Phonetics and Phonology of Gutturals in Arabic
  • Westmoreland, Robert R. (3/31/1999)
    Information and Intonation in Nauural Language Modality
  • Kuha, Mai (3/31/1999)
    The Influence of Interaction and Instructions on Speech Act Data
  • Abe, Linda S. (2/28/1999)
    The Effects of Discourse Structure Training and Interviews with Native Speakers on L2 Listening Comprehension
  • Winkler, Elizabeth G. (2/28/1999)
    Limonese Creole: A Case of Contact-Induced Language Change


  • Lee, Maureen B. (12/19/1998)
    Downdrifts, Catathesis, and Focus in Teochew Chinese Intonation
  • Tajima, Keiichi (12/19/1998)
    Speech Rhythm of English and Japanese: Experiments in Speech Cycling
  • Thonus, Terese (10/31/1998)
    What makes a Writing Tutorial Successful: An Analysis of Linguistic Variables and Social Context
  • Yuan, Yi (6/30/1998)
    Sociolinguistic Dimensions of the Compliment Event in the Southwestern Mandarin as Spoken in Kunming, P.R. China
  • Hardison, Debra M. (5/9/1998)
    Acquisition of Second-Language Speech: Effects of Visual Cues, Context and Talker Variability
  • Salting, Donald E. (3/31/1998)
    The Nested Subregister Model of Vowel Height
  • Wickboldt, June M (2/28/1998)
    The Semantics of Since


  • Park, Jae-Ick (12/31/1997)
    Minimal Word Effects with Special Reference to Swahili
  • Jun, Young Chul (11/30/1997)
    The Syntax-Semantics Interface of Genericity
  • Hardy, Jane E. (11/30/1997)
    Perceptions of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic skills of Non-Native Speakers of English: A Study of University Faculty Attitudes
  • Alidou, Dioula Ousseina (9/30/1997)
    A Phonological Study of Language Games in Six Languages of Niger
  • Rogers, Catherine L. (9/30/1997)
    Intelligibility of Chinese-accented English
  • Shin, Seung-Hoon (8/31/1997)
    Constraints Within and Between Syllables: Syllable Licensing and Contact in Optimality Theory
  • Shim, Minsu (8/31/1997)
    The Vowel Phonology of the Kyongsang Dialect of Korean
  • Cummins, Fred (7/31/1997)
    Rhythmic Coordination in English Speech: An Experimental Study
  • Barlow, Jessica A. (6/30/1997)
    A Constraint-based Account of Syllable Onsets: Evidence from Developing Systems
  • Jarvis, Scott H. (6/30/1997)
    The Role of L1-Based Concepts in L2 Lexical Reference
  • Morrill, Charles H. (5/10/1997)
    Language, Culture, and Society in the Central African Republic: The Emergence and Development of Sango
  • Ortega, Marta (4/30/1997)
    An Explanatory Intelligibility Test for Spanish ESL Speakers


  • Greer, Susan E. (12/31/1996)
    Attitudes of Teachers-in-Training Towards Varieties of English
  • Reynolds, Dudley W. (10/31/1996)
    Repetition in Second Language Writing
  • Boe, David R. (9/30/1996)
    Parameter Resetting in Adult Second Language Acquisition: Inflectional Richness and the Null Subject Parameter
  • Cook, Sally J. (8/31/1996)
    A Study of the Acquisition of Gerundive Complements by Non-native Speakers


  • Hiki, Kurumi (12/31/1995)
    An Exploratory Study into Second Language Learner Knowledge of Semantically Similar Lexical Items: The Case of Verbs of Perception
  • Hasbun, Leyla (10/31/1995)
    The Role of Lexical Aspect in the Acquisition of the Tense/Aspect System in L2 Spanish
  • Martin, Virginia S. (8/31/1995)
    Reader Responsibility in Korean-English Compositions
  • de Jonge-Kannan, Catharina E. (7/31/1995)
    Interlanguage Phonology: Perception and Production
  • Takenoya, Miyuki (7/31/1995)
    Terms of Address in Japanese: Patterns of Use by Native Speakers & American Learners of Japanese
  • Rottet, Kevin J. (6/30/1995)
    Language Shift and Language Death in the Cajun French-Speaking Communities of Terrebonne and LaFourche Parishes, Louisiana
  • Bentley, Mayrene (Mimi) E. (2/28/1995)
    The Syntactic Effects of Animacy in Bantu Languages


  • Cho, Mi-Hui (11/30/1994)
    Vowel Harmony in Korean: A Grounded Phonology Approach
  • Ahmad, Mustapha (10/31/1994)
    Aspects of Hausa Compounding
  • Whyte, Shona A. (7/31/1994)
    The Role of Specialized Knowledge in Interlanguage Variation: The Discourse Domain Hypothesis
  • Al-Husaini, Abdullah A. (6/30/1994)
    Second Language Acquisition of Lexical Semantics
  • Harshbarger, Lisa K. (4/30/1994)
    An Investigation into the Relationship between Communicative Anxiety and Second Language Oral Proficiency
  • Anderson, Sven E. (3/31/1994)
    A Computational Model of Auditory Pattern Recognition


  • Tapia, Elena (12/31/1993)
    Cognitive Demand as a Factor in Interlanguage Syntax: A Study in Topics and Texts
  • Scullen, Mary E. (12/31/1993)
    The Prosodic Morphology of French
  • Kulemeka, Andrew T. (11/30/1993)
    The Status of the Ideophone in Chichewa
  • Gonzales, Judith M. (10/31/1993)
    A Description of Barcelona Codeswitching: An Integrated Approach
  • Chin, Steven B. (8/31/1993)
    The Organization & Specification of Features in Functionally Disordered Phonologies
  • Kiyomi, Setsuko (7/31/1993)
    A Typological Study of Reduplication as a Morphosemantic Process
  • Yoshikawa, Toshihiro (6/30/1993)
    Acquisition of English Reflexives by L2 Learners
  • Lewis, Marshall C. (5/8/1993)
    Verb Serialization in Gen and the Structure of Events
  • Hongladarom, Krisadawan (5/8/1993)
    Evidentials in Tibetan: A Dialogic Study of the Interplay between Form and Meaning
  • Lee, Youngsong (2/28/1993)
    Topics in the Vowel Phonology of Korean


  • Lyuh, Inook (12/31/1992)
    The Art of Refusal: A Comparison of Korean and American Cultures
  • Omar, Alwiya S. (9/30/1992)
    Opening and Closing Conversations in Kiswahili: A Study of the Performance of Native Speakers and Learners
  • Lee, Jin-Seong (8/31/1992)
    Phonology and Sound Symbolism of Korean Ideophones
  • Engber, Cheryl A. (6/30/1992)
    A Study of Lexis and the Relationship to Quality in Written Texts of Second Language Learners of English
  • Csik, Steven (6/30/1992)
    Inferencing on Semantic Representations of Causative Sentences
  • Edmundson, Robin J. (6/30/1992)
    Evidence for Native Speaker Notions of Apologizing and Accepting Apologies in American English
  • Oloruntoba, Iyetunde C. (6/30/1992)
    Sociocultural Dimensions of Nigerian Pidgin Usage (Western Niger Delta of Nigeria)
  • Wei, Meei-Yau (6/30/1992)
    Practical Dialogue: Chinese Language Choices and Adaptations in New York City's Chinatown
  • Latkovski, Stephanie (5/9/1992)
    An Ethnography of Language Identity: Latvians in America
  • Ke, Chuanren (5/9/1992)
    Lateralization Effects of Language and Bilingualism: A Dichotic Study of Chinese and English Speakers
  • Hopkins, Tometro (5/9/1992)
    Issues in the Study of Afro-Creoles: Afro-Cuban and Gullah


  • Raksaphet, Phongsak (8/31/1991)
    A Study of Thai-English Code-Mixing in Thai Newspapers and Journals
  • Dinouri, Abdallah (8/31/1991)
    The Body in Language
  • Reed, Daniel J. (7/31/1991)
    An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Oral Proficiency Ratings and Other Measures of Second Language Ability
  • Mustapha, Zaliha (7/31/1991)
    Cognitive Processes in Reading: First and Second Language Readers
  • Hiki, Mitsuru (5/31/1991)
    A Study of Learners' Judgments of Noun Countability
  • Al-Afaleg, Omar (5/4/1991)
    A Comparison of Morpheme Acquisition Order in Learners of English as a Foreign Language vs. English as a second language: The Case of Adult Learners in Saudi Arabia


  • Hoffman, Barbara (12/31/1990)
    The Power of Speech: Language and Social Status among Mande Griots and Nobles
  • Koffi, Ettien Nda (12/31/1990)
    The Interface between Phonology and Morpho(phono)logy in the Standardization of Anyi Orthography
  • Kelley, David (8/31/1990)
    A Study of the Influence of Chinese and English (and Other Western Languages) on the Japanese Language
  • Kim, Hee Seob (8/31/1990)
    The Manner Features in Phonological Representations


  • Pino-Silva, Juan (10/31/1989)
    A Study of Children's Language Proficiency Change over Time
  • Chaves, Eneida M. (8/31/1989)
    The Interrelation of Age and Social-Psychological Factors in the Acquisition of Portuguese as a Second Language by Japanese Immigrants to Brazil
  • Sumbu, Mangoma (5/6/1989)
    Code-Mixing in the Speech of a Multilingual Child
  • Williams, Charles (Kemp) F. (5/6/1989)
    Chadic Diachronic Syntax: Reconstruction of Word Order in Proto-Chadic


  • Mahnke, Kathleen (12/31/1988)
    Foreigner Talk Interaction in the Post-Secondary Content Classroom
  • Lloret Romanyach, Maria Rosa (12/31/1988)
    Gemination and Vowel Length in Oromo Morphophonology
  • Babear, Saleh I. (12/31/1988)
    An Investigation of the Avoidance Behavior in Adult Second Language Learners
  • Sani, Sammani (11/30/1988)
    Political Language as a Source of Lexical Expansion: The Case of Hausa
  • Raddaoui, Ali Hechmi (11/30/1988)
    Planning Language: Competing Models of Education in Multilingual Countries with English as a Second Language
  • Al-Gorashi, Ahmed K. (6/30/1988)
    The English Communication Needs of Military Cadets in Saudi Arabia as Perceived by Junior Officers in the Saudi Army and Air Defense
  • Regan, Vincent David (5/7/1988)
    A Conception of Language Embodied in the Dictionary


  • Howell, Kenneth (12/31/1987)
    The Post-Bloomfieldians and the Generativists: A Study in the History of American Linguistics
  • Charles-Luce, Jan (12/31/1987)
    An Acoustic Investigation of Neutralization in Catalan
  • Ghowail, Thanaa Ibrahim MA (6/30/1987)
    The Acoustic Phonetic Study of the two Pharyngeals /h,g/ and the two Laryngeals /?,h/ in Arabic
  • Junaidu, Ismail (5/10/1987)
    Topicalization in Hausa
  • Vatikiotis-Bateson, Eric (5/10/1987)
    Linguistic Structure and Articulatory Dynamics: A Cross-Language Study
  • Thomas, Helen Lee (5/10/1987)
    Effects of Different Acoustic Characteristics in Language Processing: A Dichotic Listening Study of Mandarin-English Speakers


  • Shepardson, Kenneth (12/31/1986)
    Productivity and the Swahili Lexicon
  • Katesi, Yime-Yime (12/31/1986)
    Thanking in Engwi: A Study of Language in its Sociocultural Context
  • Farghal, Mohammed A. (12/31/1986)
    The Syntax of Wh-questions and Related Matters in Arabic
  • Soler, Josep (12/31/1986)
    Language Standardization and Norm Formation in Catalonia
  • Wright, Frank (8/31/1986)
    Practical Words: An Ethnography of Second Language Learning (Kano, Nigeria)
  • Yeh, Ling-Hsia C. (8/31/1986)
    Quantification in Chinese
  • Leko, Nedzad (8/31/1986)
    Syntax of Noun Headed Structures in Serbo-Croatian and Corresponding Phrasal Structures in English
  • Sabimana, Firmard (6/30/1986)
    The Relational Structure of the Kirundi Verb
  • Omer, Abdel-Hadi (3/31/1986)
    Arabic in the Sudanese Setting: A Sociolinguistic Study


  • Al-Aboudi, Fahmi (6/30/1985)
    The Syntax of 'Idafag': Annexation in Arabic
  • Yong, Chul-Won (3/31/1985)
    Case Relations in Some Nonconfigurational Languages


  • Antonini, Maria M. (12/31/1984)
    In the Defense of Kindergarten Children as Learners of an Explicit Second Language Rule
  • Yanco, Jennifer J. (12/31/1984)
    Language Contact and Bilingualism among the Hausa and Zarma
  • Dalby, Jonathan M. (12/31/1984)
    Phonetic Structure of Fast Speech in American English
  • Dissosway-Huff, Patricia A. (11/30/1984)
    Acquisition of the Syntactic Category Adverb: Evidence from Second Language Learners' Written Use of English Adverbs
  • Shawish, Bashir M. (6/30/1984)
    Some Aspects of the Syntax of Object Complements in Literary Arabic
  • Syeed, Syed M. (5/6/1984)
    Morphological Causatives and the Problems of the Transformational Approach
  • El-Dalee, Mohamed S. (5/6/1984)
    The Feature of Retraction in Arabic
  • Al-Najjar, Majed F. (3/31/1984)
    Translation as a Correlative of Meaning: Cultural and Linguistic Transfer between Arabic and English
  • Al-Daifallah, Ahmad S. (1/31/1984)
    Imperative Constructions in Contemporary English


  • Fourakis, Margaritis S. (12/31/1983)
    An Acoustic Study of Temporal Programming in Speech Production
  • Demuth, Katherine A. (9/30/1983)
    Aspects of Sesotho Language Acquisition
  • Badecker, William J. (9/30/1983)
    Formal Grammars and the Analysis of Infinitives
  • Hammar, Lucia B. (8/31/1983)
    Syntactic and Pragmatic Options in Mongolian: A Study of Bol and N'
  • Ernst, Thomas B. (8/31/1983)
    Towards an Integrated Theory of Adverb Position in English
  • Mountford, Keith W. (3/31/1983)
    Bambara Declarative Sentence Intonation


  • Smith, Evan (9/30/1982)
    Relative 'that' and 'as': A Study in Category Change
  • Massamba, David P. (8/31/1982)
    Aspects of Accent and Tone in Ci-Ruri
  • Al-Shorafat, Mohammed O. (7/31/1982)
    A Study of Conditional Constructions in Modern English: Structure and Function
  • Rudin, Catherine (7/31/1982)
    Complementizers and WH Constructions in Modern Bulgarian
  • Zaria, Ahmadu B. (6/30/1982)
    Issues in Hausa Dialectology
  • Maxwell, Edith M. (1/10/1982)
    A Study of Misarticulation from a Linguistic Perspective


  • Kim, Young J. (11/30/1981)
    A Semantic Study of Transitive Relations in Korean: A Cognitively Based Analysis
  • Fais, Laurel C. (10/30/1981)
    Towards a Reorientation of Linguistic Theory
  • Mitleb, Fares M. (9/30/1981)
    Segmental and Non-Segmental Structure in Phonetics: Evidence from Foreign Accent
  • Papa, Eugene (8/31/1981)
    Two Studies on the History of Southern Italian Vocalism
  • Nemer, Julie F. (7/31/1981)
    Sound Patterns and Strategies: Loanwords in Judeo-Spanish
  • Diehl, Lon (6/30/1981)
    Lexical-Generative Grammar: Toward a Lexical Conception of Linguistic Structure
  • Wheatley, Barbara J. (5/9/1981)
    Phonotactic Norms and the Prediction of Phonotactic Rules
  • Hastings, Ashley J. (3/31/1981)
    Natural Equational Phonology


  • Frey, Juliet S. (12/31/1980)
    Perceptions of Cause
  • Bedou-Jondoh, Edina Ayaba E. (11/30/1980)
    Some Aspects of the Predicate Phrase in Gegbe
  • Suaieh, Saadun (11/30/1980)
    Aspects of Arabic Relative Clauses: A Study of the Structure of Relative Clauses in Modern Written Arabic
  • DeLancey, Scott (8/31/1980)
    Deictic Categories in the Tibeto-Burman Verb
  • Clifton, John M. (5/10/1980)
    Phonologically Possible Rules and Dependency Relations: A Study of Stop/Fricative Variations


  • Bakir, Murtadha J. (12/31/1979)
    Aspects of Clause Structure in Arabic: A Study in Word Order Variation in Literary Arabic
  • Flege, James E. (9/30/1979)
    Phonetic Interference in Second Language Acquisition
  • Johnson, Sahnny (7/31/1979)
    Nonverbal Communication in the Teaching of Foreign Languages
  • Maxwell, Daniel N. (2/28/1979)
    A Crosslinguistic Correlation between Word Order and Casemarking


  • Lozano, Maria D. (9/30/1978)
    Stop and Spirant Alternations: Fortition and Spirantization Processes in Phonology


  • Dresel, Linda (8/31/1977)
    An Experimental Study of Hausa Tone
  • Disraeli, A. Stephen (5/8/1977)
    Aspects of Disambiguation


  • Hutchison, John P. (12/31/1976)
    Aspects of Kanuri Syntax
  • Nikiema, Norbert (10/31/1976)
    On the Linguistic Bases of Moore Orthography
  • Bokamba, Eyamba G. (8/31/1976)
    Question Formation in Some Bantu Languages
  • Williams, Wayne R. (8/31/1976)
    Linguistic Change in the Syntax and Semantics of Sierra Leone Krio
  • Wasserman, Robert D. (8/31/1976)
    Theories of Linguistic Variation
  • Kokora, Dago P. (8/31/1976)
    Studies in the Grammar of Koyo
  • Butar-Butar, Maruli (6/30/1976)
    Some Movement Transformations and Their Constraints in Indonesian
  • Sample, Ward A. (5/9/1976)
    The Application of Rules in the Phonology of Olukisa


  • Okello, Betty J. (12/31/1975)
    Some Phonological and Morphological Processes in Lango
  • Miner, Kinneth L. (12/31/1975)
    Interference Relations in Menomini Phonology
  • Escure, Genevieve J. (9/30/1975)
    Weakening and Deletion Processes in Language Change
  • Perry, Thomas A. (9/30/1975)
    Problems in Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Phillips, John S. (8/31/1975)
    Vietnamese Contact French: Acquisitional Variation in a Language Contact Situation
  • Ringen, Catherine O. (8/31/1975)
    Vowel Harmony: Theoretical Implications
  • Cheun, Sang-Buom (1/10/1975)
    Phonological Aspects of Late Middle Korean
  • Austen, Cheryl L. (1/10/1975)
    Aspects of Bukusu Syntax and Phonology


  • Caflisch, Jacob (12/12/1974)
    Transfer and Hypothetical Functions in Contemporary Russian
  • Baird, Rey L. (8/31/1974)
    A Variable Recursive Mechanism in Samoan
  • Noll, Craig A. (8/31/1974)
    Noncyclic Transformations in English Syntax
  • Schneeberg, Nan (8/31/1974)
    Sayanci Phonology
  • Lehmann, Twila (5/12/1974)
    On the Well-Formedness of Derived Tree Structures: The Question of Pruning
  • De Loof, Dennis P. (5/12/1974)
    The Gothic Text of Ephesians: A Decipherment, Edition, and Translation
  • Dillinger, Dale (5/12/1974)
    History of Linguistics: The Renaissance and Ellipsis in the Grammars of Despauterius, Linacre, Scaliger & Sanctius
  • Moser, Rex E. (5/12/1974)
    Foregrounding in the Sunjata, the Mande Epic
  • Sakellariades, George C. (2/23/1974)
    A Transformational Analysis of the So-Called Weak personal Pronouns in Modern Greek
  • Lee, Byung-Gun (1/10/1974)
    Underlying Segments in Korean Phonology


  • Taylor, John E. (12/1/1973)
    A Generative Phonology of Faroese Utilizing Unordered Rules
  • Lee, Chung-Min (9/29/1973)
    Abstract Syntax and Korean With Reference to English
  • Thayer, James E. (8/31/1973)
    The Deep Structure of the Sentence in Sara-Ngambay Dialogues, Including a Description of Phrase, Clause, and Paragraph
  • Sohn, John Young (8/31/1973)
    A Study of Grammatical Cases of Korean, Japanese, and Other Major Altaic Languages
  • Coady, James M. (8/31/1973)
    The Utilization of Transformational Theory for the Teaching of English
  • Jensen, James R. (5/13/1973)
    Stress and the Verbal Phonology of Tubatulabal
  • Beukenkamp, Eric J. (5/13/1973)
    Vowel Lowering in the So-Called Quechua Modals
  • Higgins, Susan G. (5/13/1973)
    Internal Noun Phrase Relations of Complex Noun Phrases and the Concept of Agency
  • Yang, Dong-Whee (4/21/1973)
    Topicalization and Relativization in Korean


  • Thompson, Robert McMillan (10/27/1972)
    A Descriptive Procedure for Coding and Decoding Chinese Ideographs
  • Eckman, Fred R. (9/22/1972)
    Some Constraints on Pronominalization
  • Wright, James R. (8/31/1972)
    Spanish Verb Morphophonology
  • Migliazza, Ernest C. (5/14/1972)
    Yanomama Grammar and Intelligibility
  • Smith, Rondal B. (5/14/1972)
    Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Interpretations of Greek Phonology: Prolegomena to a Theory of Sound Patterns in the Hellenistic Greek Koine
  • Absi, Samir A. (4/22/1972)
    Passive-Reflexive Verbs in Lebanese
  • Moravcsik, Edith A. (3/25/1972)
    Some Cross-Linguistic Generalizations about Yes-No Questions and Their Answers


  • Long, Ronald W. (9/7/1971)
    A Comparative Study of the Northern Mande Languages
  • Sayyid, Muhammad Abdul-Wahid (6/14/1971)
    Pronominalization in Urdu
  • Filbeck, David (6/14/1971)
    T'In: A Historical Study
  • Freidin, Robert (5/30/1971)
    Interpretive Semantics and the Syntax of English Complement Constructions
  • Koo, Jang H. (2/20/1971)
    Language Conflict and Its Specification: Experimental Study


  • Gradman, Harry L. (12/19/1970)
    The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis: What It Is, and What It Isn't
  • Howie, John Metcalf (10/16/1970)
    The Vowels and Tones of Mandarin Chinese: Acoustical Measurements and Experiments
  • Karttunen, Frances (10/16/1970)
    Problems in Finnish Phonology
  • Tang, Shao-Ming (9/30/1970)
    A New English Grammar for the Teachers of English in the Republic of China
  • Sangster, Linda R. (9/8/1970)
    A Semantic Analysis of Word Order in French, with Particular Attention to the Position of the Adjective with Respect to the Substantive
  • Jordan, Ronald D. (8/31/1970)
    Subjective Response Uncertainty as a Function of Task Structure and Flexibility of Closure
  • Sangster, Rodney B. (7/30/1970)
    The Linguistic Thought of Roman Jakobson
  • Derwing, Bruce L. (6/8/1970)
    Transformational Grammar and Language Acquisition: A Study in the Empirical and Methodological Foundations of Contemporary Linguistic Theory
  • Tullai, Gerald J. (6/8/1970)
    The Simplicity Criterion: A Study in the Development of the Methodology of Linguistic Science
  • Palacas, Arthur L. (5/23/1970)
    The Place of Modal Verbs in the Grammar of English with Special Emphasis on 'Can', 'May', and 'Must'
  • Collins, Grace C. (1/31/1970)
    Two Views of Kalagan Grammar
  • Tai, James Hau-y (1/31/1970)
    Coordination Reduction


  • Walker, Edward C. (10/24/1969)
    Grammatical Relations and Sentence Memory
  • Hutchinson, Larry G. (10/24/1969)
    Pronouns and Agreement in Temne
  • Karttunen, Lauri J. (6/30/1969)
    Problems of Reference in Syntax
  • Feider, Helga (6/30/1969)
    A Comparative Syntactic Description of Spoken and Written English
  • Lefkowitz, Robert W. (3/30/1969)
    Semantic Structure
  • Orosz, Robert A. (3/30/1969)
    The Category of Definiteness and Its Structural Correlates in English and Hungarian
  • Ree, Joe J. (2/28/1969)
    Some Aspects of Korean Syntax


  • Hsueh, Feng-Sheng (9/30/1968)
    Phonology of Old Mandarin: A Structuralistic Approach
  • Kerek, Andrew (9/30/1968)
    Stress, Length, and Prominence: Linguistic Aspects of Prosody in Hungarian Quantitative-Lambic Verse
  • Williams, Clyde E. (9/30/1968)
    Quechua Phonology
  • Schaarschmidt, Gunter (9/30/1968)
    The Syntax of sja-Verbs in Russian
  • Murphy, Lawrence W. (6/30/1968)
    Sosva Vogul Grammar
  • Johansson, Stig (6/30/1968)
    Studies in the History and Development of the English Language
  • Peeke, M. Catherine (6/30/1968)
    Preliminary Grammar of Auca (Ecuador)


  • Wilson, James L. (9/30/1967)
    Some Phonological, Morphological, and Syntactic Correspondences between Standard Dutch and Afrikaans
  • Rice, Lester A. (9/30/1967)
    Hungarian Morphological Irregularities with Contributions to Feature Theory
  • Sanders, Gerald A. (9/30/1967)
    Some General Grammatical Processes in English
  • Luthy, Melvin J. (9/30/1967)
    Phonological and Lexical Aspects of Colloquial Finnish
  • Song, Seok Choong (8/31/1967)
    Some Transformational Rules in Korean
  • Nash, Rose F. (6/30/1967)
    Turkish Intonation: An Instrumental Study
  • Pogoli, Bardhyl (6/30/1967)
    Albanian Writing Systems


  • Lee, Ernest W. (9/30/1966)
    Proto-Chamic Phonologic Word and Vocabulary
  • Warburton, Irene P. (9/30/1966)
    On the Verb in Modern Greek
  • Bridgeman, Loraine I. (9/30/1966)
    Oral Paragraphs in Kaiwa (Guarani)
  • Cheng, Robert Liang-Wei (9/30/1966)
    Some Aspects of Mandarin Syntax
  • Chiang, Helen T. (9/30/1966)
    Phonology of an Amoy Dialect
  • Daly, John P. (6/30/1966)
    Generative Syntax of Mixteco
  • Houston, Susan H. (6/30/1966)
    The Acquisition and Operation of Language
  • Lehtinen, Mari K. (6/30/1966)
    An Analysis of a Finnish-English Bilingual Corpus I. Interference Phenomena; II. Rules for Code-Switching and Code-Accommodation
  • Lakoff, George P. (6/30/1966)
    On the Nature of Syntactic Irregularity
  • Soga, Matsuo (6/30/1966)
    Some Syntactic Rules of Modern Colloquial Japanese


  • Pia, J. Joseph (1/31/1965)
    Somali Sounds and Inflections
  • Maher, John P. (9/30/1965)
    Indo-European Origins of Some Slavic Grammatical Categories: Substantives in 'ji', 'ja', 'je' and 'jane'
  • Carmony, Marvin D. (9/30/1965)
    The Speech of Terre Haute: A Hoosier Dialect Study
  • Shum, Shu-Ying (9/30/1965)
    A Transformational Study of Vietnamese Syntax
  • Cook, Howard R. (9/30/1965)
    Pre-Speech Auditory Training: Its Contribution to Second Language Teaching and Motivation for Continuous Broadcasting
  • Loflin, Marvin D. (9/30/1965)
    A Transformational Grammar of Simple Sentences in Cuzco Quechua
  • Roldan, Maria de las M. (9/30/1965)
    Ordered Rules for Spanish: Selected Problems of Syntactic Structure


  • Blair, Robert W. (9/30/1964)
    Yucatec Maya Noun and Verb Morpho-Syntax
  • Berberi, Dilaver (8/31/1964)
    Phonological and Morphological Adaptation of Turkish Loanwords in Contemporary Albanian GEG Dialect of Kruja: A Synchronic Analysis
  • Henning, William A. (8/31/1964)
    Phoneme Discrimination Training and Student Self-Evaluation in the Teaching of French Pronunciation
  • Scholes, Robert J. (6/30/1964)
    Grammaticality of Phonemic Strings, with Reference to Pre-Vocalic Consonant Clusters in American English


  • Pound, Glen M. (6/30/1964)
    Phonological Distortion in Spoken Secret Languages: A Consideration of Its Nature and Use
  • O'Grady, Geoffrey N. (9/30/1963)
    Nyanumata Grammar
  • Reibel, David A. (9/30/1963)
    A Grammatical Index to the Compound Nouns of Old English Verse
  • Alani, Salman H. (9/30/1963)
    Phonology of Contemporary Standard Arabic
  • Seiden, William (6/30/1963)
    Havasupai Phonology and Morphology
  • Bender, Byron W. (6/30/1963)
    A Linguistic Analysis of the Place-Names of the Marshall Islands
  • Kinkade, Marvin D. (6/30/1963)
    Phonology and Morphology of Upper Chehalis
  • Pillai, S. Agesthialingom (6/30/1963)
    A Generative Grammar of Tamil
  • Ramanujan, Attipat Krishnaswami (6/30/1963)
    A Generative Grammar of Kannada
  • Salzmann, Zdenek (6/30/1963)
    A Sketch of Araphao Grammar


  • Osborn, Jr., Henry A. (9/30/1962)
    Warao Phonology and Morphology
  • Gunter, Richard L. (9/30/1962)
    Elliptical Forms of the English Transitive Sentence
  • Morton, Ermel J. (6/30/1962)
    A Descriptive Grammar of Tongan (Polynesian)
  • Lyra, Franciszek (6/30/1962)
    English and Polish in Contact
  • Melamed, Judith T. (6/30/1962)
    An Experiment in Sound Discrimination in English and Thai
  • Fraenkel, Gerd (6/30/1962)
    A Generative Grammar of Azerbaijani


  • Contreras, Heles (9/30/1961) The Phonological System of a Bilingual Child
  • Zeps, Valdis J. (6/30/1961) Latvian and Finnic Linguistic Convergences
  • Chaiyaratana, Chalao (6/30/1961) A Comparative Study of English and Thai Syntax


  • Leuschel, Donald A. (9/30/1960)
    Spanish Verb Morphology
  • Ekhtiaredin, Mansour A. (6/30/1960)
    Emerson's Poetic Language: A Linguistic and Literary Investigation
  • Kruatrachue, Foongfuang (6/30/1960)
    Thai and English: A Comparative Study of Phonology for Pedagogical Applications
  • Ristinen, Elaine K. (5/30/1960)
    Samoyed Phonemic Systems


  • Hale, Kenneth L. (6/30/1959)
    A Papago Grammar
  • Constantino, Ernesto A. (6/30/1959)
    A Generative Grammar of a Dialect of Ilocano


  • Sholes, George N. (9/30/1958)
    Transformations in French Grammar
  • Subramoniam, Vadasery Iyemperumal (6/30/1958)
    A Descriptive Analysis of a Dialect of Tamil


  • Sleator, Mary D. (9/30/1957)
    Phonology and Morphology of an American English Dialect


  • Ingemann, Frances (9/30/1956)
    An East Cheremis Grammar

Master's recipients


  • Bhokari, Hassan A. (11/12/2020)
    A Comprehensive Analysis of Coda Clusters in Hijazi Arabic: An Optimality-Theoretic Perspective
  • Filimonova, Valentyna (8/20/2020)
    The social meaning of variable polite leísmo in Mexico City
  • Hwang, Young (4/2020)
    Generational tone change in North Kyungsang Korean with a focus on English loanwords
  • Kasper-Cushman, Kelly (7/24/2020)
    Mapping the functional distribution of human impersonal uses of on, ça, and ils in French
  • Patterson, Yina (3/2020)
    A Study of Nominal-Clausal Relations in Chinese
  • Zhang, Yiwen (11/20/2020)
    Subjectivity and Nominal Property Concepts in Mandarin Chinese


  • Dakota, Daniel
  • Ducey, Joseph
  • Geradot, Tabitha
  • Li, Wen
  • Medill, Kathryn


  • Dow, Michael
  • Filimonova, Valentyna
  • Leongue, Vitor
  • Romanski, Katherine
  • Rose, Darcy
  • Sowers, Sara


  • Bishop, Daniel
  • Ebarb, Kristopher
  • May, Christina
  • Riley, Christopher
  • Smith, Amber
  • Zerrer, Dustin


  • Baucom, Eric
  • Cantrell, Rachael
  • Fox, Jessica
  • King, Levi
  • Lin, Yu-Jung
  • Nagle, Traci
  • Rankinen, Wil
  • Tamati, Terrin


  • Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad
  • Anderson, Jonathan
  • Betters, Jennifer
  • Helms, Bartholomew
  • Jefford, Dustin
  • Khan, Mohammad
  • Kim, Tae Sik
  • Meyer, Anthony
  • Moe, Lwin
  • Stowe, Kevin


  • Akashi, Kaori
  • Casserly, Elizabeth
  • Chang, Zhuting
  • McGuire, Michael
  • Mohammad, Emad
  • Tabler, Justin
  • Yoon, Junghyoe


  • Black, Amanda
  • Kojima, Chisato


  • Dawe, Amber
  • Hao, Yen-Chen
  • Mickleborough, Tina
  • Shimunek, Andrew
  • Wang, Yi-Ting


  • Askren, Jay
  • Ivanova, Steliana
  • Krug, Gary
  • Lanham, Alexis
  • McDonnell, Deborah
  • Miller, Nikole
  • Sutton, Logan
  • Yang, Chung-Lin


  • Aguilar Sanchez, Jorge
  • Barno, Michaela
  • Diakite, Boubacar
  • Farris-Trimble, Ashley
  • Harrison, Rachelle
  • Kent, Amber
  • Kimmell, Arwen
  • Rice, Heather
  • Riordan, Brian
  • Tweedy, Jonathan


  • Clodfelder, Katri
  • Kim, Ock
  • LaVan, Erica
  • Ronquest, Rebecca


  • Cockram, Meagan
  • Ichikawa, Sahoko
  • Levin, Erik
  • Lumsden, Joshua


  • Adnane, Hafid
  • Bohacek, Milan
  • Cumberland, Linda
  • Khogali, Abdulghaffar
  • Vondrasek, Roseann
  • Wermter, Joachim


  • Evans, Nicole
  • Galoozis, Theofilos
  • Knudsen, Laura
  • Nakamura, Hiroko
  • Stewart, Chad


  • Daly, Ellen
  • Ewusi, Kelly
  • Jarosz, Steven
  • Kim, Ji-Yung
  • Koh, Michael


  • Barcelos, Manuela
  • Chekaraou, Ibro
  • Czereszko, Robyn
  • Gaines, Richard
  • Garcia-Bayonas, Mariche
  • Groening, Bruce
  • Hackman, Karla
  • Hamilton, Mark
  • Harden, Karon
  • Hull, Peggy
  • Lynch, Anna
  • McCall, Betsy
  • Purtell, Christine
  • Sanders, Jennifer
  • Shockley, Eric


  • Alarcon, Irma
  • Carollo, Brenden
  • Chai, Victoria
  • Curtin, Melissa
  • Dykstra, Karen
  • Ewald, Jennifer
  • Gabriele, Leslie
  • Grote, Jeffrey
  • Hirohashi, Nagako
  • Klee, Shannon
  • Krasienko, Nicole
  • Laboe, Margaret
  • Lee, Eun-Hee
  • Lim, Soo
  • Martinez Marco, Lucia
  • McBride, Kara
  • Murphy, Jonathan
  • Newcom, Danielle
  • Scott, Stacy
  • Shettle, Denise
  • Smigrodzki, Karen
  • Tiede, Moreena


  • Bird, Michele
  • Blanchard, Lynne
  • Bohlmann, Maile
  • Etzel, Susanna
  • Flannery, Ezekiel
  • Ho, Virginia
  • Hornberger, Gretchen
  • Jallow, Susan
  • Lee, Chul-Young
  • Morrill, Wendy
  • Smith, Candis
  • Sushka, Kevin
  • Torretta, Gina
  • Vander Kuyl, Nancy
  • Vanest, Mark
  • Word, Andrea


  • Bearden, LeAnn
  • Berbeco, Steven
  • Eguchi, Hitoshi
  • Erbele, Denise
  • Eulenberg, Alexander
  • Fisher, Naomi
  • Hogan, Stephaine
  • Koo, Haesook
  • MacKenzie, Michael
  • Marken, James
  • Mejias Borrero, Manuel
  • Perez Ojeda, Maria
  • Purnell, Elizabeth
  • Riesterer, Koren
  • Rista-Dema, Mimoza
  • Shull, Robert
  • Snow, Matthew
  • Solovyova, Ariadna
  • Tanaka, Junko
  • Uhrig, Karl
  • Vellenga, Heidi


  • Bailey, Rebecca
  • Berger, Claudia
  • Bertagnoli, Lisa
  • Bowen, Laura
  • Graham, Susan
  • Griffin, Robert
  • Grissom, Elizabeth
  • Hitchcock, Holly
  • Howie, Stephen
  • Isidro Bruno, Gonzalo
  • Jones, Julie
  • Jordan, Kimberley
  • Karvonen, Daniel
  • Mills, Karen
  • Nicodemus, Brenda
  • Noguchi, Ichiro
  • Palozzi, Vincent
  • Petrie, Gina
  • Pontius, Gail
  • Purdom, Barbara
  • Thomas, Daniel
  • Tsai, Hsu-Chang
  • Ueno, Junko
  • Yang, Eun-Mi
  • Yui, Megumi


  • Adae, Rebecca
  • Anderson, William
  • Baker, Elisabeth
  • Caplow, Nancy
  • Choi, Hee
  • Dugas, Larissa
  • Iguchi, Keiko
  • Lalumiere, Beth
  • Lin, Tsung-Cheng
  • Maher, James
  • Muench, Corey
  • Park, Hyesook
  • Reutter, James
  • Ridder, Michelle
  • Sato, Natsu
  • Suh, Jae-Suk
  • Uchida, Kazami
  • Whyte, Shona
  • Wright, Melissa


  • Agati, Alessandra
  • Chapman-Rienstra, Johnathan
  • Coulson, Wendy
  • Douglas, Michael
  • Glentzer, Gail
  • Glick, Christopher
  • Grugel, Ruth
  • Healy Beaton, Mary
  • Isenberg, Lisa
  • Kang, Dong-Ho
  • Liu, Chang
  • Martz, Chris
  • Oates, Georgia
  • Pancella, Anne
  • Paulin, Lisa
  • Plasket, Patricia
  • Suga, Sachiko
  • Yip, Virginia


  • Bhattrai, Anju
  • Canady, Sara
  • Collins, Catherine
  • Cramer, Peter
  • Devarenne, Kathleen
  • Durand, Tamara
  • Ewert, Doreen
  • Lambeth, Mary
  • Lei, Jiun-Iung
  • Miller, Laura
  • Murray, Karen
  • O'Brien, Douglas
  • Reel, Judee
  • Robbins, Timothy
  • Searle, Duncan
  • Smith, Stephanie
  • Tanaka, Mika
  • Tarr-Bauman, Lisa


  • Al-Banyan, Ahmed
  • Arnold, Jana
  • Beaulaurier, Florence
  • Cain, Michael
  • Chang, Feng-Lan
  • Chen, Hongyin
  • Choe, Sooyoung
  • Choudhury, Parsa
  • Hand, Kelly
  • Hoffman-Hicks, Sheila
  • Kim, Youngsang
  • Ko, Mei-Yun
  • Kone, Kassim
  • Li, Ming-Fen
  • Margalef-Boada, Trinidad
  • Martin, Laura
  • Russell, Paul
  • Thomas, Michael
  • Utzinger, Malynn
  • Walter, Jessica
  • Wittmann, Yvonne


  • Ai, Meng
  • Braun, Rene
  • Breen, Elise
  • Chang, Hsu-Mei
  • Delgado, Maria
  • Dilcher, Katherine
  • Dillon, Jane
  • Heltsley, April
  • Jan, Ching
  • Li, Yaoqin
  • Matala, Susan
  • Mudrow, Michael
  • Ruiz-Gonzalez, Gloria
  • Swanson, Mary
  • Yoder, Cynthia


  • Amir Ishak, Noor
  • Bocz, Andras
  • Braswell, Jeffrey
  • Bussert-Webb, Kathy
  • Chen, Yea-Fen
  • Doebler, Robert
  • Gabriele, Thomas
  • Hayhurst, Diana
  • Hsieh, Pi-Chun
  • Kudaka, Yutaka
  • Moodie, Virginia
  • Morgan, Mary
  • Murray, Michael
  • Quinn, Susan
  • Rivera-Serrano, Julie
  • Stoelting, Judith
  • Wang, Shih-Ping
  • Yoshii, Makoto
  • Zhou, Yi-Ning


  • Asano, Yoshiteru
  • Del Rio, Ximena
  • DeVeto, Joseph
  • Franco, Jon
  • Gay, Brian
  • Gordon, Anabeth
  • Haase, Laurie
  • Harrington, Amy
  • Huang, Yaling
  • Ibarra, Maria
  • Klingler, Thomas
  • Mahan, Rebecca
  • Mendoza Carrillo, Aldo
  • Mohd Zain, Siti
  • Moon, David
  • Nolan-Greven, Elizabeth
  • Osborn, Richard
  • Wood, Kathleen
  • Wu, Feng


  • Abdul Ghani, Rozina
  • Ahmad, Ummul
  • Bi, Nyan-Ping
  • Boyd, Mary
  • Gibson, Nancy
  • Grimes, Milburn
  • Hou, Li-Chu
  • Hsu, Tsai-Liang
  • Hudgins, Cynthia
  • Kashiwagi, Miwako
  • Kasukawa, Hiroko
  • Kataoka, Yukio
  • Leon, Marianella
  • Miller Maidi, Elizabeth
  • Munsick, Jeffrey
  • Pullins, Corinne
  • Salti, Saleem
  • Santamaria, Leonice
  • Smith, Lynn
  • Szarkowitz, Susan
  • Tsai, Shwu
  • Walkup, Starr
  • Warner, Mark
  • Wilawan, Supriya
  • Woodward, Vicki


  • Adipattaranun, Nitida
  • Al-Turki, Mohammed
  • Albrecht, Kristine
  • Alexander, Martha
  • Allaei, Sara
  • Assefa, Dagne
  • Azim, Cynthia
  • Beck, Mary
  • Cobine, Gary
  • Conway, Lois
  • Daikhi, Bonnie
  • Fan, Jin-Jun
  • Fra Molinero, Baltasar
  • Fuller, Rubee
  • Harris, Roger
  • Hoban, Margaret
  • Hung, Hui-Wen
  • Jacobson, Daniel
  • Jewell, Gregory
  • Lin, Bauyu
  • Lowe, Cynthia
  • Lucas, Sandra
  • Marcus, Richard
  • Marshall, Lesley
  • Moumen, Fatima
  • Ruff, Joseph
  • Sauro, Edie
  • Smith, Vicki
  • Smith, Karen
  • Traore, Sidiki
  • Wayne, Gary
  • Wu, Siew-Rong
  • Youngman, Cynthia


  • Abu-Hussein, Hassan
  • Al-Garni, Saeed
  • Al-Gibaly, Abdel-Rahman
  • Bales, Tena
  • Bolick, Hsi
  • Brown, Cynthia
  • Cary, Penelope
  • Che, Patricia
  • Chung, Youn-Hee
  • Duvall, Anita
  • Farley, Timothy
  • Fitzpatrick, Mary
  • Kirk, James
  • Lori, Ali
  • McCafferty, Michael
  • McComas, Stephen
  • McGary, Junko
  • Mohd Noordin, Wan
  • Newman, Patricia
  • Omara-St John, Salma
  • Osman, A
  • Pawan, Faridah
  • Powers, Richard
  • Pringle, Bette
  • Robinson, David
  • Schlie, Perry
  • Schroen, Charles Sharpless
  • Snyder, Cynda
  • Sparkman, Linda
  • Suh, Chun
  • Tsai, Susanna
  • Whyte, Godfrey
  • Wilhelm, Kimberly


  • Aitchison-Hoffman, Diane
  • Bailey, Florence
  • Bedell, Cynthia
  • Binder, Carol
  • Blakenbaker, Zarina
  • Couch, Charlott
  • Diehl, Bonnie
  • Gilliatt, Lynne
  • Hali, Abdul
  • Harsin, Charles
  • Howe, Addison
  • Hsieh, Tsui-Ling
  • Ilarraz, Aurora
  • Jones, Sarah
  • Jones, Sangsook
  • Kercheval, Jayne
  • Kim, Jae-Min
  • Kimlicka, Sachiko
  • Kimlicka-Molina, Barbara
  • Lau, Suen
  • Lee, Jong
  • Lewins, Charles
  • Lim, Kim
  • Loewer, Kay
  • Mabie, Sara
  • McKaig, Sandra
  • Pons, Cathy
  • Ramahi, Sadika
  • Rohatgi, Avantika
  • Salem, Ahmed
  • Saraireh, Moh'D
  • Segovia, Diana
  • Starkus, Kristina
  • Tandioy Jansasoy, Francisco
  • Tsui, Tsai-Wen
  • Tunku Yusof, Tunku
  • Ueno, Yukie
  • VanDenBerg, Laurie
  • Wagner, Michael
  • Yoder, Myron
  • Zanzana, El-Habib


  • Abdel-Fattah, Nabil
  • Adeli, Lisa
  • Al-Ajmi, Sa
  • Al-Nasser, Abdulrahman
  • Al-Qurashi, Ahmed
  • Ardery, Nina
  • Baik, Marn
  • Berry, Lucinda
  • Brewer, Joan
  • Carbone, Kevin
  • Cho, Eui-Yon
  • Davis, William
  • Dehart, Terence
  • DeRose, Desiree
  • Foley, Kathleen
  • Francescon, Linda
  • Gaetani, Roger
  • Golden, Clara
  • Graves, William
  • Hashim, Zainab
  • Hertzer, Cheryl
  • Hong, Ruey-Shiang
  • Hoyt, Katherine
  • Jones, Roger
  • Jonsson, Christine
  • Khalaf, Fatin
  • Koo, Hee
  • Leone, James
  • Mohd Rashid, Rahmah
  • Mok, Sui-Sang
  • Moser, Stephen & Maria
  • Musa, Farouq
  • Nicks, Suzanne
  • Park, Gie-Hwa
  • Ribeiro, Augusta
  • Scales, Michael
  • St. George, Linda
  • Stratigos, Spyridon
  • Thomas, Scott
  • Trees, Kandy
  • VanDorp, William
  • Whiddon, Shirley
  • Zephir, Flore


  • Aamidor, Judah
  • Benjuya, Diane
  • Bertolacini, Joyce
  • Blubaum, Wendell
  • Bustillos, Javier
  • Chen, Hsin-Hwa
  • Claussen, Elizabeth
  • Cook, Elizabeth
  • Escalona, Alirio
  • Escalona, Gladys
  • Everhart, Jane
  • Farid Driscoll, Shermeen
  • Faulkner, Rita
  • Fraser, Brenda
  • Gerace, Joseph
  • Giuliani, Majid
  • Grosscup, Peter
  • Hedegard, Kurt
  • Jaeger, Stefan
  • Johnson, Gloria
  • Krugman, Terry
  • Kurata, Makoto
  • Lee, Li-Ling
  • Lent, Zachary
  • Mohammad, Hussain
  • Mollaun, Pamela
  • Moser, Maria
  • Mower, James
  • Shih, Chun-Yuan
  • Summerlin, Dawn
  • Tamkun, Mark
  • Tan, Kim
  • Thomas, Gabrielle
  • Turner, Michael
  • Vrampas, Amy
  • Wang, Eric
  • Zai, Olga


  • Al-Ghamdi, Mohamed
  • Dovale, Rafael
  • Engel, Ronald
  • Guthrie, Bruce
  • Han, Nancy
  • Keenoy, Kathleen
  • Raymundo, Agnes
  • Tabler, Juliet
  • Tynan, Walter
  • Vasilas, James
  • Violi, Mary Anna


  • Hale, Mark
  • Kintzel, Robert
  • Neuenschwander, Janet
  • Olson, Jacqueline
  • Wolff, 1


  • Hart, George
  • Herbeck-Belnap, Birgit
  • Hirsh, Allen
  • Iwata, Ryoji
  • Shaftman, Rebecca
  • Tejeda, Felipe


  • Buck, Ronald
  • Frey, Juliet
  • Homma, Yayoi
  • Mets, Lisa
  • Pendlebury, Michael


  • Fernandez Lopez, Felix
  • Gudai, Darmansyah
  • Hill, Hila
  • Johnson, Larry
  • McMahon, Deborah
  • Shaw, David
  • Walsh, Thomas


  • Bates, Gregory
  • Gaines, William
  • Kirchhoff, Andrew
  • Le, Tam
  • Reddix, Elizabeth
  • Stigler, Lemuel
  • Thurston, Janice


  • Ardery, Gail
  • Casazza, Kenneth
  • Cirillo, Robert
  • Debartolo, Susan
  • Mays, David
  • Molitor, Richard
  • Rodins, Dzidra
  • Schutt, Misha
  • Shannon, Thomas


  • Boyle, David
  • Casebeer, Ann
  • Egilmez, Philip
  • Koehler, Christoph
  • Quintana, Toni


  • Jann, John
  • Jore, Cheryl
  • Yamaguchi, Eitetsu


  • Dancis, Norma
  • Konare, Mamadou
  • Lyman, Larry
  • Takeuchi, Michiko
  • Veatch, Douglas


  • Abdullah, Jalal
  • Bruyn, Nelleke
  • Daigler, Mary
  • Prouty, Joel
  • Rader, Caroline
  • Tonks, Ann
  • Yamamoto, Akira


  • Crum, Lois
  • Fortune, David
  • Harris, Patricia
  • Johannson, Faith


  • Brown, Dennis
  • Chalstrom, Marianne
  • Ehrlichman, Mark
  • Glover, Trienne
  • Goodrich, Sidney
  • Leidner, David
  • Milsark, Gary
  • Schinke-Llano, Linda
  • Thomas, William


  • Allen, John
  • Bastidas, Alfonso
  • Jordan, Ronald
  • Koehn, Edward
  • Kuehner, Anne
  • Kurtz, Peter
  • Marion, Roberta
  • McCune, Jerry
  • Murphy, Raymond
  • O'Cain, Raymond
  • Rethmeyer, Linda
  • Tarr, Robert
  • Wright, David
  • Young, Roberta


  • Brumbaugh, James
  • Felten, Catherine
  • Long, Albertis


  • Goldsmith, Ronald
  • Krause, Marcia
  • Sato, Masahito


  • Lakoff, Robin
  • Sheldon, Amy


  • Blood, David
  • Davis, Donald
  • Woller, Joyce,


  • Lee, Motoko
  • Pearson, Bruce


  • Feigenbaum, Irwin


  • McDonald, Crispina


  • Walker, Marlene


  • Keller, Kathryn
  • Madigan, Robert


  • Lewis, James
  • Upson, Jessamine


  • Davis, Marjorie
  • Yegerlehner, John


  • Dykes, Jesse


  • Cortright, Richard


  • Griffin, Vera