2021 Advisor of the Year
Krystie Herndon, the College of Arts and Sciences’ 2021 Advisor of the Year, brings her best to the “art and science” of academic advising.

Antisemitism Datathon and Hackathon event challenges students to grow socially and technologically
Thirty high school and college students from five countries around the world took part in the Antisemitism Datathon and Hackathon, a virtual workshop and competition designed to teach students how to recognize antisemitism online and how to use programming to analyze large amounts of data.

IU Linguistics Students Translate COVID-19 Materials
Since the end of March, IU undergraduate and graduate linguistics researchers have been translating information about the coronavirus into Hakha Lai, a common language spoken by many from the Chin State of western Myanmar.

Fieldwork with the Hadza: At Home and Abroad
Jeremy Coburn is a doctoral student in the African Linguistics program, and has had many years of work on the language of the Hadza, a language minority of Tanzania made famous for being one of very few languages outside of southern Africa with click sounds.

Documenting the Thangal Language of Northeast India
Patricia McDonough is an advanced doctoral student who has built ties to the Thangal community in Eastern India over many years.

Perception of Mandarin Full Tone Realization and Indexical Meaning
Feier Gao is an advanced doctoral student working in an area of growing interest, that of variation and sociolinguistic meaning in Mandarin Chinese.

The Loanword Tonology of North Kyungsang Korean
Young Hwang is completing her doctoral thesis work this spring, investigating a range of different phonological and phonetic phenomena in Korean.

Natural Language Processing for Bantu Languages
Kenneth Steimel is an advanced student in the computational doctoral program, who has worked extensively in areas applying advanced computation to technological applications related to African languages.
Select 2019 Publications
The following are references selected from a much larger list of faculty research dissemination from the 2019 calendar year.