Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program

Teaching assistant opportunities

Our department provides opportunities for undergraduate students to serve as undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs) on an ad hoc basis. During the semester that you serve as a UTA, you enroll in independent study with the faculty member serving as the instructor of record for the course with which you are assisting. Time commitments, working conditions, responsibilities, and credit hours and evaluation metrics associated with the independent study are determined together by you and the faculty member.

Training program

Undergraduate students who wish to serve as UTAs during a given school year are expected to attend the orientation workshops for Linguistics associate instructors (AIs). These are held during the week before fall courses start.

In addition to receiving pedagogical training, participants in these workshops are required to attend the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs Policies Orientation and the Campus Climate Workshop offered by the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL). Participants in these workshops are also required to complete the IU-created FERPA Tutorial, as well as the Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Misconduct Reporting Requirements training.

During the semester, UTAs have regular (at least biweekly) meetings with the instructor of record for the course, as well as with any AIs they are assisting. In addition, either the instructor of record or an AI should be present when UTAs interact in the classroom with students enrolled in the course.

UTA responsibilities

UTAs in Linguistics may have the following responsibilities:

  • presenting material in lectures or discussions
  • assisting with classroom activities
  • assisting with discussion sections
  • peer tutoring
  • conducting review sessions
  • holding office hours
  • assisting in the creation of course materials
  • keeping a time log of their teaching activities
  • submitting a formal reflection on their teaching experiences

UTAs in Linguistics cannot:

  • view student grades in Canvas
  • grade student assignments
  • assign or adjust student grades
  • take action on alleged incidents of academic or personal misconduct on their own

To learn more, contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Ann Bunger.