- Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1985

Stuart Davis
Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Professor, Linguistics
Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program
Davis, Stuart and Kelly Berkson, eds. (2021) American Raising, Publication of the American Dialect Society, 106.
Davis, Stuart and Usama Soltan, eds. (2016) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVII, John Benjamins: Amsterdam and Philadelphia.
Davis, Stuart ed. (1997) Optimal Viewpoints. Indiana University Linguistics Club: Bloomington, Indiana.
Davis, Stuart and Donna Jo Napoli (1994) A Prosodic Template in Historical Change: The Passage of the Latin Second Conjugation into Romance, Rosenberg and Sellier: Turin.
Davis, Stuart (1988) Topics in Syllable Geometry. Garland Press: New York. (In the series "Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics").
Davis, Stuart and Noor Abo Mokh (2025) Two Cases of Dissimilation in Palestinian Arabic and Their Theoretical Implications. In Ahmad Alqassas (ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXV, pp. 29-54. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Davis, Stuart, Wafi Alshammari, Musa Alahmari, and Mamdouh Alhuwaykim (2024) Aspects of the Phonology and Morphology of Saudi Varieties of Arabic. In Fabio Gasparini, Kamala Russell, and Janet Watson (eds.), Diversity Across the Arabian Peninsula: Language, Culture, Nature, pp. 137-171. Cambridge: Cambridge Semitic Language and Culture.
Davis, Stuart and Matthew Pollock (2024) A Feature Alignment Approach to Plural Realization in Eastern Andalusian Spanish. Languages 9 (166), pp. 1-24.
Davis, Stuart (2008) "Velarization". The Encyclopedia of the Arabic Language (v. 4), Brill: Leiden.
Davis, Stuart (2006) "Syllable Constituents". The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edition), v. 12, pp. 326-328, Pergamon Press: Oxford & New York.
Davis, Stuart (2004) "Linguistics". The Social Science Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, Volume II, Routledge: New York, pp 583-585.
Davis, Stuart (1993) "Loanwords, Phonological Treatment". The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Pergamon Press: Oxford and New York, pp. 2273-2276.
Davis, Stuart (1993) "Language Games". The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Pergamon Press: Oxford and New York, pp. 1980-1985.
Davis, Stuart and Abdullah Alfaifi (2022) The Faifi Arabic [st] Reflex of Ṣād: Proto-Semitic or Substrate? Journal of Semitic Studies.
Davis, Stuart, Kelly Berkson and Alyssa Strickler (2021) Characteristics of Incipient American Raising and Lifespan Change: Focus on Fort Wayne. In Stuart Davis and Kelly Berkson (eds.), American Raising, Publications of the American Dialect Society, 106.
Alfaifi, Abdullah and Stuart Davis (2021) An Examination of the /m-/ Definite Article in Upper Faifi Arabic. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik/Journal of Arabic Linguistics 73:36-52.
Al-Raba’a, Basem and Stuart Davis (2020) The Typology of Pharyngealization in Arabic Dialects Focusing on a Rural Jordanian Variety. Journal of Universal Language 21.2:1-42.
Davis, Stuart, Kelly Berkson and Alyssa Strickler (2020) Unlocking the Mystery of Dialect B: A Note on Incipient /aɪ/-raising in Fort Wayne. American Speech 95:149-172.
Abo-Mokh, Noor and Stuart Davis (2020) What Triggers 'imāla: Focus on a Palestinian Variety with Phonological Analysis. In Elly van Gelderen (ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXII, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hantgan, Abbie, Serge Sagna and Stuart Davis (2020) Moraic Preservation and Equivalence in Gújjolaay Eegimaa Perfective Reduplication. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 41:29-56.
Davis, Stuart (2019) Are There Transfer Effects in the Arabic Comparative? In Amel Khalfaoui and Matthew Tucker (eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXX, pp. 33-51, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hwang, Young and Stuart Davis (2019) Pitch-pattern Diffusion of Generational Tone Change in North Kyungsang Korean English Loanwords. Language Research 55:129-150.
Gadoua, Abdulhamid and Stuart Davis (2019) Diminutive Formation in a Libyan Dialect with some Phonological Implications. In Amel Khalfoaul and Youssef Haddad (eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXI, pp. 31-49, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Alshammari, Wafi and Stuart Davis (2019) Diminutive and Augmentative Formation in Northern Najdi/Ha’ili Arabic. In Amel Khalfoaul and Youssef Haddad (eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXI, pp. 51-73, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Davis, Stuart and Abdullah Alfaifi (2019) A Different Path to [f]: Labiodentalization in Faifi Arabic, Papers in Historical Phonology 4:45-61.
Lotven, Samson, Kelly Berkson, James C. Wamsley, Jillian Danaher, Kenneth Van Bik and Stuart Davis (2019) The Syllable in Kuki-Chin. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 6.2, pp. 1-28.
Davis, Stuart and Natsuko Tsujimura (2018) Arabic Nonconcatenative Morphology in Construction Morphology. In Geert Booij (ed.), The Construction of Words: Advances in Construction Morphology, pp. 315-339, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Natsuko Tsujimura and Stuart Davis (2018) Japanese Word Formation in Construction Morphology. In Geert Booij (ed.), The Construction of Words: Advances in Construction Morphology, pp. 373-398, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Chang, Yufen and Stuart Davis (2018) Frequency of Taiwanese Tone Sandhi in a Spoken Corpus with Some Implications. Concentric Studies in Linguistics 44.2, pp. 1-30.
Grano, Thomas and Stuart Davis (2018) Universal Markedness in Gradable Adjectives Revisited: The Morpho-semantics of the Positive Form in Arabic, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 36:131-147.
Davis, Stuart (2017) Some Issues for an Analysis of the Templatic Comparative in Arabic with a Focus on the Egyptian Dialect. In Hamid Ouali (ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXIX, pp. 129-150, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Co.
Berkson, Kelly, Stuart Davis and Alyssa Strickler (2017) What Does Incipient /ay/-Raising Look Like? A Response to Fruehwald”, Language 93:e181-e191.
Davis, Stuart (2017) Geminates and Weight Manipulating Phonology in Chuukese (Trukese). In Haruo Kubozono (ed.), The Phonetics and Phonology of Geminate Consonants, pp. 230-259. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Topintzi, Nina and Stuart Davis (2017) On the Weight of Edge Geminates. In Haruo Kubozono (ed.), The Phonetics and Phonology of Geminate Consonants. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Abu Elhija, Dua’a and Stuart Davis (2016) On the Status of Derived Affricates in Arabic Dialects. In Youssef Haddad and Eric Potsdam (eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVIII, pp. 89-104, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Co.
Davis, Stuart (2016) The Arabic Comparative and the Nature of Templatic Mapping in Arabic. In Lívia Körtvélyessy, Pavol Stekauer, and Salvador Valera (eds.), Word-Formation across Languages, pp. 73-90. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Davis, Stuart (2015) Francis Lieber's Americanisms as an Early Source on Southern Speech. In Michael D. Picone and Catherine Evans Davies (eds.), New Perspectives on Language Variety in the South: Historical and Contemporary Approaches, pp. 166-181. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
Ragheb, Marwa and Stuart Davis (2014) On the L1 Development of Final Consonant Clusters in Cairene Arabic. In Reem Khamis-Dakwar and Karen Froud (eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVI, pp. 263-281. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Co.
Davis, Stuart and Natsuko Tsujimura (2014) Non-concatenative Derivation: Other Processes. In Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Stekauer (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology, pp. 190-218. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davis, Stuart and Marwa Ragheb (2014) Geminate Representation in Arabic. In Samira Farwaneh (ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 25, pp. 3-19, Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Co.
Green, Christopher, Stuart Davis, Boubacar Diakite and Karen Baertsch (2014) On the Role of Margin Phonotactics in Colloquial Bamana Complex Syllables. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 32:499-536.
Green, Christopher and Stuart Davis (2014) Superadditivity and Limitations on Syllable Complexity in Bambara Words. In Ashley Farris-Trimble and Jessica Barlow (eds.) Perspectives on Phonological Theory and Acquisition: Papers in Honor of Daniel Dinnsen, pp. 223-244. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Co.
Davis, Stuart and Nikole Miller (2014) Review of H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman's 'Articulate While Black: Barack Obama, Language and Race in the U.S.' Oxford: Osford University Press, 2012. Language 90 pp. 280-283.
Anderson, Vicki Michael and Stuart Davis (2013) Where American English Meets German: Devoicing in Pennsylvania Dutchified English. In Shin-Ichi Tanaka (ed.) Unveiling New Facts in English Phonology (Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 17 No. 1), pp. 18-25.
Davis, Stuart and Karen Baertsch (2012) Formal Versus Functional Explanation for a Universal Theory of Syllable Structure. Journal of Universal Language 13:7-34.
Hantgan, Abbie and Stuart Davis (2012) Bondu Vowel Harmony: A Descriptive Analysis with Theoretical Implications. Studies in African Linguistics 41:187-212.
Davis, Stuart, Natsuko Tsujimura, and Jung-yueh Tu (2012) Toward a Taxonomy of Loanword Prosody. Catalan Journal of Linguistics. 11:13-39.
Davis, Stuart (2011) "Quantity". In John Goldsmith, Jason Riggle and Alan Yu (eds.), The Handbook of Phonological Theory (2nd edition). pp. 103-140, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Davis, Stuart (2011) "Geminates". In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin J. Ewen, Elizabeth Hume & Keren Rice (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. v. 2, pp. 837-859, Malden, MA & Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Tsujimura, Natsuko and Stuart Davis (2011) "A Construction Approach to Innovative Verbs in Japanese". Cognitive Linguistics 22:797-823.
Davis, Stuart & Karen Baertsch (2011) "On the Relationship between Codas and Onset Clusters". In Charles Cairns and Eric Raimy (eds.), Handbook of the Syllable. Leiden: Brill, pp. 71-97.
Lee, Dongmyung and Stuart Davis (2010) "Evidence for Accentless Words in South Kyungsang Korean". Studies in Phoneitcs, Phonology and Morphology 16:245-258.
Davis, Stuart (2010) Distributional Evidence for the Foot from the L1 Acquisition of American English. Phonological Studies 13.
Davis, Stuart (2010) A Note on the Loanword Tonology of Kyungsang Korean Dialects". In Sang-Oak Lee (ed.), Contemporary Korean Linguistics: International Perspectives. Gyeonggi, Korea: Thaehaksa Publishing Co., pp. 46-62.
Lee, Dongmyung & Stuart Davis (2009) On the Pitch-Accent System of South Kyungsang Korean: A Phonological Perspective. Language Research 45:3-22.
Baertsch, Karen & Stuart Davis (2009) Strength Relations between Consonants: A Syllable-based OT Approach. In K. Nasukawa and P. Backley (eds.) Phonological Strength. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 293-324.
Tsujimura, Natsuko & Stuart Davis (2009) Dragon Ash and the Reinterpretation of Hip Hop: On the Notion of Rhyme in Japanese Hip Hop. In Awad Ibrahim, H. Samy Alim, and Alastair Pennycock (eds.), Global Linguistic Flows: Hip Hop Cultures, Identities, and the Politics of Language. Routledge, pp. 179-193.
Baertsch, Karen & Stuart Davis (2008) Decomposing the Syllable Contact Asymmetry in Korean. In Haruo Kubozono (ed.), Asymmetries in Phonology: An East-Asian Perspective. Tokyo: Kurosio. pp 27-47.
Davis, Stuart (2007) On English Word Final /s/ in Korean Loanword Phonology. In Sand-Oak Lee, Choong-Yon Park and James Yoon (eds.), Promenades in Language. Seoul: Hankook Publishing Co. pp. 125-151.
Davis, Stuart & Hyunsook Kang (2006) English Loanwords and the Word Final [t] Problem in Korean. Language Research 42:253-274.
Davis, Stuart & Isao Ueda (2006) Prosodic vs. Morphological Mora Augmentation. Lexicon Forum 2:121-143.
Davis, Stuart & Mihui Cho (2006) Phonetics vs. Phonology: English Word-Final /s/ in Korean Loanword Phonology. Lingua 116:1008-1023.
Davis, Stuart (2005) Observations Concerning African American English in the Writings of Francis Lieber. In Charles Mack and Harry Lesesne (eds.), Francis Lieber and the Culture of the Mind. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 86-100.
Ueda, Isao & Stuart Davis (2005) Developmental Paths in the Acquisition of Japanese Liquids: An Optimality-Theoretic Perspective. In Claartje Levelt and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), Developmental Paths in Phonological Acquisition (Leiden Papers in Linguistics 2.1). 117-135.
Davis, Stuart (2005) "Capitalistic" vs. "Militaristic": The Paradigm Uniformity Effect Reconsidered. In Laura Downing, T. A. Hall, and Renate Raffelsieffen (eds.), Paradigms in Phonological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 107-121.
Baertsch, Karen & Stuart Davis (2004) "Syllable Contact and Manner Assimilation Across Turkic Languages" Proceedings of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 1:107-121.
Davis, Stuart and Mi-Hui Cho (2003) The Distribution of Aspirated Stops and /h/ in American English and Korean: An Alignment Approach with TypologicalImplications. Linguistics 41: 607-652.
Davis, Stuart (2003) The Footing of Dactylic Sequences in American English. In Takeru Homma, Masao Okazaki, Toshiyuki Tabata, and Shin-ichi Tanaka (eds.) A New Century of Phonology and Phonological Theory. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. pp. 277-289.
Davis, Stuart and Isao Ueda (2002) Mora Augmentation Processes in Japanese. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 18:1-23.
Davis, Stuart and Bushra Zawaydeh (2001) Arabic Hypocoristics and the Status of the Consonantal Root. Linguistic Inquiry 32:512-520.
Botne, Robert and Stuart Davis (2000) Language Games, Segment Imposition, and the Syllable. Studies in Language 24:319-344.
Davis, Stuart (2000) The Flowering of Optimality Theory: Ponapean Nasal Substitution and the Problem of Intermediate Forms. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 6:249-305.
Davis, Stuart and Bushra Zawaydeh (1999) A Descriptive Analysis of Hypocoristics in Colloquial Arabic. Language and Linguistics 3:83-98.
Davis, Stuart and Seung-Hoon Shin (1999) The Syllable Contact Constraint in Korean: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 8:285-312.
Davis, Stuart (1998) Syllable Contact in Optimality Theory. Korea Journal of Linguistics 23:181-211.
Davis, Stuart and Michael Hammond (1995) On the Status of On-glides in American English. Phonology 12:159-182.
Tsujimura, Natsuko and Stuart Davis (2011) The Manifestation of Intrasentential Code-switching in Japanese Hip Hop". Japanesee/Korean Linguistics 19.
Green, Christopher, Stuart Davis, Boubacar Diakite and Karen Baertsch (2010) Domain-Restricted Reduction: A Proposal for Segmantal Feet in Bamana. Annual Conference on African Linguistics.
Tu, Jung-yueh & Stuart Davis (2009) "Japanese loanwords into Taiwanese Southern Min". In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on East Asian Linguistics. Simon Fraser University.
Lee, Dongmyung & Stuart Davis (2009) Accentless Words of South Kyungsang Korean. Current Issues in Linguistic Interfaces, v. 2 387-398.
Shin, Seung-Hoon & Stuart Davis (2008) "Where Have all the Lax Stops Gone? On the Possible Restructuring of the Korean Stop System, Japanese/Korean Linguistics 13:69-80.
Tsujimura, Natsuko, Kyoko Okamura, and Stuart Davis (2007) Rock Rhymes in Japanese Hip-Hop Rhymes. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15:222-233.
Davis, Stuart & Karen Baertsch (2005) The Diachronic Link between Onset Clusters and Codas. Berkeley Linguistics Society 31:397-408
Davis, Stuart & Isao Ueda (2005) The Typology of Mora Augmentation. Proceedings of LP 2005.
Davis, Stuart (2019) The Volunteer State: An Etiology. In Kait Lee-Legg and James C. Wamsley (eds.), 50th Anniversary LCIU Commemorative Collection, p. 10-12. Bloomington, IN: Linguistics Club at Indiana University.
Green, Christopher, Stuart Davis, Boubacar Diakite, and Karen Baertsch (2009) Syncope and the Drive toward Minimization in Colloquial Bamana. Indiana University Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 8:109-131.
Davis, Stuart (2003) The Interaction of Nasal Substitution and Reduplication in Ponapean. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 32:31-46.